Through child-centered experiences we provide an atmosphere that encourages children to develop a positive self-image using educational programs, literature, and the exploration of play. Our programs focus on the individual needs of the child in a warm and positive atmosphere, as well as the needs of the group. We foster a sense of belonging to the Centre and the school, as well as the larger community in which the children live. Parents are encouraged to become involved in the various activities of the Centre to strengthen the relationship between the programs and the homes of the families served.
York Child Development & Family Services Inc. is a not-for-profit multi-site, multi-service agency incorporated in 1985 and operated by a community based Board of Directors.

Board of Directors
2024 – 2025
YCD is a not profit agency operated by a community-based Board of Directors.
Our current slate of Board members includes Rhonda Hunt, Chair; Deana Fields, Director; Lisa Mooy RECE, Director; Laura Tolfo, Director and Joy Vance RECE, Director.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors:
As a non-profit corporation York Child Development & Services Inc. is by law required to have a Board of Directors. Members of the Corporation consists of the members of the board of directors, as are elected or appointed from time to time.
The Board of Directors acts as a group, rather than individually, in decisions concerning the organization. Its primary role is one of oversight, leadership, as well as financial and policy direction.
Annual Reports
Part of YCD’s ongoing commitment to our families is to prepare and present our Annual Reports. These reports highlight milestones and achievements of our staff, the reports also share our company statistics relating to staff, and current enrolments. The reports provide an overview of our audited financial statements.