EarlyON Child and Family Centres
York Region offers a range of free programs (0-6 years) that support parents and caregivers; encourages positive interactions with children and provides information regarding early learning and child development. These programs include:
Early learning and literacy programs for parents and their children.
Programs to support parents and caregivers of children in all aspects of early child development.
Information and workshops for new parents about pregnancy and parenting.
Information about other early years programs in the community.
Resource and Lending Library.

Child Care Programs
We provide full day and before and after school programs.
Our programs are licensed and government inspected and offered in school settings for children 18 months to 12 years. We provide morning and afternoon snacks as well as lunch for full day programs.
Through child-centered experiences we provide an atmosphere that encourages children to develop a positive self- image using educational programs, literature and the exploration of play. Our programs focus on the individual needs of the child in a warm and positive atmosphere.
In York Region, CAPC serves the communities of Markham, Georgina, and Vaughan.
CAPC programs are provided primarily for teen parents, newly immigrated parents and parents who are socially isolated due to economic circumstances, illness, disability, place of residence and/or ethno-cultural factors, who have children 0 to 6 years of age.